
Pastor Pastor/President Rev. William P. Donohue
Parochial Vicar Parochial Vicar Rev. Mauricio Rodriguez
Pastor Principal Mr. Joseph Clapp
Sixth Grade Teacher Vice Principal
Grade 8 Homeroom
Jr. High Literature and History
Mrs. Heather Almond
Sixth Grade Teacher

Mrs. Heather Almond

Vice Principal
Grade 8 Homeroom
Jr. High Literature and History
My Teaching Philosophy

Developing a mutual respect between the student and teacher is a necessary foundation for learning. An educator must provide a safe, supportive and caring environment which allows for open communication between the school and home. Students learn in many different ways (i.e. visual, auditory, kinesthetic). As an educator, my job is to provide a variety of tools and resources to engage all students and their learning styles.


Saint Vincent’s Elementary School is a beautiful campus where students and staff are clearly proud of their school. SVES provides a safe academic environment where learning is both challenging and fun. The students contribute to their community by providing service and sharing their faith. What impresses me most is that the students seem genuinely happy both inside and outside the classroom. I love their smiles.

I Remember...

Sixth grade is an exciting time! It is a time in a child’s life that is full of personal development, growing friendships, and new discoveries. I have fond memories of the adults that helped me navigate through my Junior High School years. I aspire to be the adult to whom my students turn to when they seek guidance.

  • California Single Subject Credential in Social Studies, University of Phoenix, Phoenix
  • Master of Education, University of Phoenix, Phoenix
  • Bachelor of Arts, Geography with Environmental Geography Emphasis, San Diego State University, San Diego
Transitional Kidnergarten Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Mrs. Kerry Moore
Transitional Kidnergarten

Mrs. Kerry Moore

Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
My Teaching Philosophy

As an early childhood educator, I am focused on play based learning along with creating developmentally appropriate curriculum that is fun and engaging. At this age, children want to play and explore and I want them to have every opportunity to do so in my classroom. I am also focused on social emotional learning, being a kind and respectful friend and student and doing our best work everyday at school. Mygoal is to teach the WHOLECHILDandlearn asmuchasIcanabout them so their experience in my classroom is fun, exciting and positive.


I grew up attending Catholic school my whole life and I was so lucky to have parents who worked incredibly hard to make sure I had a meaningful, rigorous and religious education. I felt so lucky to be part of a close knit community and so grateful to still have so many of those amazing individuals still in my life. My dad was my basketball coach and athletic director, my mom helped fundraise and build the Parish Center and gym at St. Veronica, and my friends at school became my family. I have always wanted that for my future family and when I got married last year and decided to leave preschool and get back into a primary classroom, I knew SVESwould bethe best home for me andIamsograteful to be teaching here!

I Remember...

Being in preschool, playing dress up, being on the carpet, hugging my teachers, riding tricycles outside, having SO MUCH FUN! I loved to sing and play in the classroom and enjoyed those special days in preschool before I joined my three big brothers at St. Veronica. I remember going to my kindergarten interview with Mrs. Vitali in 1995 and naming letters and numbers and reading a book with her. It was a magical year in kindergarten and throughout my time at SV. I look back on it fondly and hope to create the same magic here at SVES.

  • Multiple Subject Teaching Credential- Notre Dame de Namur, Belmont
  • CSUChico- Bachelors degree in Liberal Studies
  • Mercy High School, Burlingame
  • St. Veronica Catholic School, South San Francisco
Co-Principal, Kindergarten Teacher Kindergarten Mrs. DeAnn Sarlatte
Co-Principal, Kindergarten Teacher

Mrs. DeAnn Sarlatte

Kindergarten Teacher
My Teaching Philosophy

As an educator with 26 years of teaching experience, I still remember the excitement I had on my very first day of teaching. It is the joy and hope that I feel each school year when I walk my new students into the classroom on the first day of school. My philosophy begins with creating an engaging, vibrant environment that supports the academic, spiritual, and social growth for each student entrusted to my care. By partnering with parents, kindergarteners grow and learn in so many ways, heading to first grade and beyond with foundational skills, work habits and confidence to chase their dreams.


SVES is not just a school. It is a community...a happy, united community! Students, parents and teachers work together to create a positive, nurturing environment for all students to grow, learn, and achieve.

I Remember...

In Kindergarten, I remember sitting on the carpet around my teacher and singing songs. I recall that I was the first student to learn to tie shoes and I became the "shoe tier" for the class! Now my favorite part of the day is sitting in my rocking chair with my students gathered around for story time ... and I am still the "shoe tier!"

As an alumna of SVES and SVHS, I have fond memories of playing tetherball on the blacktop, learning to quilt in my elective class, and eagerly waiting in line with my ticket for hot dog day each month. I remember always feeling at home at SVES because I knew my teachers cared about much more than the grade I received on a test. They cared about me as a person. I am fortunate that many of my SV classmates have remained my close friends and we often recall the incredible experiences we shared at SVES. SV has truly shaped the people we are today.

  • California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, California State University, Sacramento
  • Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies/Psychology Minor, California State University, Sacramento
  • Alumna St. Vincent de Paul High School
  • Alumna St. Vincent de Paul Elementary School
First Grade Teacher First Grade Mrs. Katie Isetta
First Grade Teacher

Mrs. Katie Isetta

First Grade Teacher
My Teaching Philosophy

I believe that children learn best when they are in a nurturing and supportive learning environment. When children are rooted in kindness and shared respect, they are ready to embark together on their learning journey! I feel it is important to provide opportunities for the students to work independently and collaboratively and to demonstrate their understanding of concepts in multiple ways.


SVES is a wonderful community where faculty and parents are committed to the academic, social/ emotional, and spiritual growth of the students. In this faith-filled environment, friendships between students at all grade levels flourish. It is heart-warming to witness eighth graders giving high-fives to kindergartners, and middle school students stop what they are doing to help a first grader who fell on the yard. The students support and care for one another.

I Remember...

I fell in love with reading as a first grader! I remember the first time I read a short chapter book completely on my own at home, and I could not wait to get to school the next day to tell my teacher. She was so proud of me and made me feel so special. I think about that a lot as a teacher; the importance of making every child’s achievements feel acknowledged and valued.

  • California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, California State University, Sonoma
  • Bachelor of Arts, Theatre Arts / Minor in English, Santa Clara University
  • Justin-Siena High School
  • St. Francis Solano Elementary School
7th Grade Homeroom Second Grade Mrs. Julie Mosier
7th Grade Homeroom

Mrs. Julie Mosier

2nd Grade Homeroom
Pastor Third Grade Ms. Sarah Tarrant
4th Grade Teacher Fourth Grade/ Religious Coordinator Mrs. Elise Telucci
4th Grade Teacher

Mrs. Elise Telucci

Fourth Grade Teacher/Religious Coordinator
My Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy to teaching is to engage the students through differentiated learning techniques. It is important to teach, and help, the "whole" child. There should always be a balance between structure and flexibility for "individual student" learning as well as "whole class" learning. With trust in the Lord God, our guide, all of this, and more, can be accomplished.


I love the history and tradition of our school. However, we could not have a strong history and tradition without the commitment and dedication of our community. I love the students, my friends and co-workers, the SVES families, and their extended families, who constantly assist and support our school.

I Remember...

My fourth grade teacher was Sr. Lucia. She was the most kind, intelligent, and helpful teacher. She always knew the right thing to say, even if it was difficult to hear. I'll never forget her gentle smile and her words of encouragement.

  • California Multiple Subject BCLAD Teaching Credential, San Jose State University
  • Bachelor of Science, Human Development, University of California, Davis
  • Alumna St. Francis High School, Mountain View
  • Alumna St. Martin of Tours Elementary School, San Jose
Fifth Grade Teacher Fifth Grade/Leadership Advisor Ms. Kimberlee Penry
Fifth Grade Teacher

Ms. Kimberlee Penry

Fifth Grade/Leadership Advisor
My Teaching Philosophy

My philosophy includes creating a safe and efficient learning environment for all students. It is important to me to encourage students to challenge themselves daily, always striving to do their best, which varies from student to student. Helping them recognize what they are capable of is the true gift of teaching.


I love that I am a part of such a supportive and faith-filled environment.

I Remember...

I remember when Mr. Franks, my sophomore year world history teacher, told me he had noticed that I had a renewed sense of confidence. I had become involved in FFA, working on an agri-science project which received awards at the state level. I felt a bit more confident, but having a teacher take time to notice and encourage me made all the difference. I try to be that teacher for my students.

  • California Multiple Subject CLAD Teaching Credential, California State University, Chico
  • Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies, California State University, Chico
  • Associate Degree, Santa Rosa Junior College
Grade6 Sixth Grade Ms. Kelsie Petersen

Ms. Kelsie Petersen

Sixth Grade
My Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy includes creating a structured, safe, and well-rounded learning environment to meet the needs of all learners in my classroom. I believe that if every student feels valued and respected, amazing growth and learning can happen. It is my goal to make each day something my students look forward to, with a mixture of fun and rigor all wrapped up in one!


SVES is a treasured memory of most of my husband’s family. I have heard the most wonderful stories about what a nurturing, academic, and loving learning environment it is for years and years. It is such an honor to be able to teach at SVES. Now, we are so excited to have our son be a fifth generation SVES student!

I Remember...

I remember being a child in my mom’s classroom growing up and thinking “I can’t wait to be a teacher one day”. She absolutely loved what she did and it was something I could not wait to do when I was a grown up. As long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a teacher. I love being able to inspire students, create a rich curriculum and work with others who love to do the same.

  • California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, Sonoma State University Bachelors of Liberal Studies, Sonoma State University
Pastor Science Lab Coordinator Elisa King
Fifth Grade Teacher Resource Teacher Advanced 7th grade Math
Fifth Grade Teacher

Mrs. Kimberlie Kataoka

Advanced 7th grade Math
My Teaching Philosophy

Teach the whole human. To me, teaching consists of getting to know the students as individuals and as a class. It’s to figure out what works best for each student and try to support the good individually and as a whole in any way I can. It’s working closely with families so as to add to student support and community. It’s giving the student autonomy, responsibility and trust over their academics while maintaining a helping hand.


I chose SVES because of the rigorous academics, the preservation of faith and education. Though new to the private school setting, the students, faculty and SVES families create a wonderful tight knit community filled with grace, kindness and collaboration.

I Remember...

When my fifth grade teacher noticed my love for writing. I would journal on my own time, often writing thoughts, poetry, short stories in my journal everywhere I went. She encouraged me to enter an all city essay contest at 10 years old and won first place! She helped me find my voice and share it with the world.

  • IRTAndoverCandidate ‘24-’25
  • Cognitive Science B.S. with a concentration in A.I. and Western Philosophy-University of California Santa Cruz
  • Psychology B.A. - University of California Santa Cruz
  • Building Belonging Fellowship Fellow - University of California Santa Cruz
  • Cowell College Undergraduate Researcher Award - University of California Santa Cruz
  • General Studies A.A. - East Los Angeles College
  • Psychology A.A. - East Los Angeles College
5th-6th grade Physical Education Teacher P.E. (4th-8th) Mr. Cam Eisenhauer
5th-6th grade Physical Education Teacher

Mr. Came Eisenhauer

P.E. (4th-8th)
Advanced 8th Grade Math Advanced Math Grade 8 Dr. John Svitak
Advanced 8th Grade Math

Dr. John Svitak

Advanced Math Grade 8
My Teaching Philosophy

First, I want to convey my enthusiasm for the subject and my excitement about learning in general. If I am not excited, they’re not excited. Second is listening and knowing my students. They need to be engaged in learning and that can only happen if we are working together.


It’s great to see that energy and enthusiasm of the kids. It’s infectious and I feel rejuvenated.

I Remember...

Collecting tree leaves for 8th grade science in the autumn with our teacher, Mr. Moses rekindled my love of science. It was not just collecting and classifying leaves but also looking at the soil and proximity to streams and other trees that awoke in me a deeper perception of the multidimensionality and interconnectedness of the world.

  • Doctor of Philosophy, Physics, University of Oregon
  • Master of Science, University of Oregon
  • Bachelor of Arts, Chemistry and Mathematics/Minor, Philosophy, Rutgers University
Librarian, Resource Teacher (K-3) ELA Resource K-3/
Learning Coordinator
Mrs. Sandy Rainey
Librarian, Resource Teacher (K-3)

Mrs. Sandy Rainey

ELA Resource K-3/
Learning Coordinator
My Teaching Philosophy

Reading is my passion! I was a reader as a child and still love to read as an adult. It is my goal to help the children at SVES realize their potential as lifelong readers.


I feel blessed to have been employed at St. Vincent de Paul Elementary School for the last 21 years. I was hired as the Learning Center Director and now fill the roles of Librarian and Reading Resource Teacher. It is my privilege to go to work every day with a group of amazing teachers and support staff members. St. Vincent's provides its students with the foundational skills needed to succeed in high school and beyond. Having sent three children through SVES and SVHS, I can say without reservations that I wholeheartedly believe in the mission and philosophy of both our schools.

I Remember...

My love of reading started in elementary school with the Nancy Drew Series. After reading the first book, The Secret of the Old Clock, I was hooked--hooked on Nancy Drew and hooked on reading! Books gave me the ability to see the world and meet new people. I wish I could remember who suggested that book to me, because I should have said thank you a thousand times over. Elementary school is where I became a lifelong reader!

Cleary Care Director, Instructional Assistant Cleary Care Director
Instructional Assistant
Mrs. Dolores Cuneo
Cleary Care Director, Instructional Assistant

Mrs. Dolores Cuneo

Cleary Care Director
Instructional Assistant
My Teaching Philosophy

First we work, then we play!


I love the family and community feeling. This is my fourth year working full time at SVES. My two daughters attended SVES and SVHS.

I Remember...

When I attended Catholic grade school in San Francisco, I played on the 4th grade kickball team. I still love to watch the kids here play kickball.

  • Masters, Computer Science, California State University, Sacramento
  • Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, California State University, Sacramento
Receptionist, Office Coordinator, Kindergarten ELA Support Office Manager
Safe Environment Coordinator
Parent Volunteer Coordinator
Mrs. Joanne Murphy
Receptionist, Office Coordinator, Kindergarten ELA Support

Mrs. Joanne Murphy

Office Manager
Safe Environment Coordinator
Parent Volunteer Coordinator

All three of my children enjoyed an outstanding education attending SVES during their elementary school years. I especially appreciate the one-on-one attention they received which helped them to be successful at SVHS and then later in college. I am grateful to be a part of this deeply invested community of faith and warmth.

I Remember...

The time-honored traditions at SVES make me think of attending Catholic elementary school in San Francisco when I was growing up. I remember, when I was eight, being so proud to be chosen to carry Mary's beautiful crown of flowers for the ceremony on May Day.

Admissions Admissions Coordinator
Athletic Director
TK-3rd Grade P.E.
Mrs. Danielle Rynning

Mrs. Danielle Rynning

Admissions Coordinator
Athletic Director
TK-3rd Grade P.E.

The Community is what I love. The relationships that develop over the years are priceless, relationships between the kids, the parents, the grandparents, the faculty and staff. I really like the faith based academics. As a parent, I see that my children are challenged and eager to learn. The teachers create an environment where the students acquire the skills to become successful and ambitious.

I Remember...

When I was in elementary school, it was the faculty and staff that made a difference in my education. In reflection of my elementary years, it was my 8th grade math teacher who really made a difference. He taught both my sister and I. In his math class, he would allow his students time to talk and discuss word problems to work together to find the solution. That is a theme I see here on campus at SVES. Better Together!

Transitional Kidnergarten Classroom Aide
Student Supervisor
Mrs. Bridget Reynolds
Transitional Kidnergarten TK Aide Ms. Megan Calderon
Transitional Kidnergarten Bookkeeper Mrs. Teresa Sullivan
advanced Advanced Math Grade 8 Mr. Jeffery Cotten
advanced Junior High Math
World Language 5th-8th grade
Mrs. Elisa Halliday
advanced Junior High Science
7th grade Religion
Mrs. Gabrielle Davis
advanced Classroom Aide Mrs. Christy Tobin